Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Case Studies: Testimonials on Steroids

Recently, we posted a blog about how customer testimonials are so important for your business. You should be requesting feedback and testimonials after every customer transaction. But there is so much more you can do with your positive testimonials. Case studies are like testimonials on steroids. They take a simple recommendation or quote and dig deeper to provide you with a full customer story. Case studies are an excellent addition to your marketing strategy.

For marketing purposes, you can approach case studies in two ways – either a more in-depth study of one customer experience, or an overview of multiple customer experiences with a particular product or service.

Let’s take a look at the steps you’ll need to take to create your case study. 

1.     Identify the challenge  – A case study should be built around what problem or challenge you have solved for your customer(s). So the first step is to identify which problems your products and/or services solve.

2.     Identify the customer(s) – Once you’ve identified a problem, think about your customers and identify one or more you know would be willing to tell people how you have solved the problem for them.

3.     Identify the solution – A case study tells a story and once you’ve identified the problem, you should also identify the solution. What did your company do to solve the problem or challenge? Be specific – think about all the ways your company helped, like staff interactions, training, support, installations, products, etc.

4.     Interview the customer(s) – Ask your customer(s) specific questions about their experience.  Ask for more than you need and get as much detail as possible so you can choose what is best to include in your case study. Open ended questions will provide more detail. Some people prefer to receive questions and provide answers in writing, which is helpful to you as you write and use their quotes.

5.     Draft your case study – Be sure to include the challenge, solution, and specifics and be very sure to include some of the information as verbatim quotes with proper credit given. Tell a story and let the story sell your product or service. Don’t make it a sales pitch.

6.     Secure buy-in – Have your customer(s) review and make changes to the draft as necessary – you want their buy-in. It would be a shame to write a great case study with testimonials from a customer and then have them angry at you for not letting them sign off!

7.     Incorporate it into your strategy – Be sure to incorporate use of your case study into your overall marketing strategy so it is a complement to your other marketing efforts and will garner the greatest impact. Here are some ideas to consider:

a.       Develop a printed version for use at trade shows and in new customer packets

b.      Post and talk about it on your website and other social media sites

c.       Include it as a blog post on your blog and other industry sites

d.      Repurpose it into an article for publication in industry publications

e.      Send it to key customers who have purchased before to remind them how you can solve their problems too

f.        Send to key stakeholders as appropriate, like potential funders, legislators, board members, etc.

g.       Post the quotes on your testimonial pages online and as use them in other marketing collateral

h.      Don’t forget to track and analyze every use so you know what works best for next time

8.     Consider repurposing it into a video – Videos can add a whole new perspective to things. If your customer is willing, video tape the interview and cut it into a creative video that can be posted to YouTube, on your web site, and other places. If the impact of the written story is significant, just imagine how much stronger it will be if your potentials and stakeholders hear your customer speak about how you solved their problem.

9.     Thank your customer – Be sure to thank your customer, share the finished product with them, and tell them about all the marketing exposure it harvested. Remember, this is also a marketing opportunity and exposure for them!

10.  Start on the next one!Don’t stop after just one. Case studies should become a major and ongoing part of your marketing efforts. Done right, they can provide a significant impact.

What are some ways that you’ve incorporated case studies into your marketing strategy?

Kerry Brooks is Co-owner of
ProfessionalEdge Associates, offering a wide range of marketing and support services to businesses that want to increase their success, but aren't in a position to add to their staff. Visit the ProfessionalEdge website at www.gettheprofessionaledge.com, email info@gettheprofessionaledge.com, follow them on Twitter @profedge, or like their Facebook page.