Sunday, March 18, 2012

I’m LinkedIn, Liked, on Google+, and Tweeting…Wait…What the $#%! Is Pinterest?

Ok, I’ll admit it.  I was dragged into social media kicking and screaming.  I was already on Facebook; it’s a fun way to keep up with the cousins and friends who are far away.  And I’ve been on LinkedIn for awhile, gathering connections without any sort of strategy.  But there seems to be a new “must do” social network every month! My business partner has been all over this for awhile, but I’ve always been the one late to the party.  I like to think about it, consider it, analyze it, and ease my way into it.  She likes to jump, and learn, and just see what happens.  This relationship provides a great balance in our business (and some really interesting conversations, but that’s another topic entirely).
I definitely have my creative side, but I am often most comfortable in spreadsheets and flowcharts.  Numbers don’t lie.  So recently she showed me the analytics of social media.  “Look what happens to our website visits when we post a blog”.  There it was in black and white and pretty, colorful graphs.  Something I could wrap my mind around.  I wasn’t just sending something out into an unknown universe without any results.  They were there, and I could see it, analyze it, think about it, and AFFECT it.  Sold!  Now I am UNSTOPPABLE!
Here are some thoughts:
1)      Don’t try to do it all at once; take small bites
2)      Have a strategy.  Don’t sign up for everything that comes along and do things halfway
3)      Use available tools to manage your social media
4)      Read others’ success stories
5)      Look at the analytics to see the effect you are having
6)      Continue to read this blog and we'll continue to share some great ideas to help you
Are you kicking and screaming about social media?  Click the comment link below and tell me – the doctor is in!
Kim Luedke is Co-owner of ProfessionalEdge Associates, offering a wide range of marketing and support services to businesses that want to increase their success, but aren't in a position to add to their staff.