Monday, February 6, 2012

What was your favorite Super Bowl commercial?

Yesterday was the most talked about advertising day of the year. Companies spent millions – an average of $3.5 million for a 30 second slot – to get their ad in front of 100+ million Super Bowl viewers.

More than half of the ads from yesterday’s Super Bowl were released last week online. Seemed to spoil the surprise a bit, but there were still several worth mentioning. There were ads for cars and trucks, candy and colas. There were vampires vanishing under new ‘daylight’ headlights, ‘naked’ M&Ms, and the traditional cola bears and Clydesdale horses. There were definitely ads targeted at specific demographics, and lots of 80’s references.

There were several ads that tickled the funny bone, like a moon walking dog, a speed dating baby, a grandma sling-shotting her grandbaby for a snack, and a graduate thinking he was getting a very cool car instead of a pretty lame dorm refrigerator.

There were even a couple of controversies, including chimps at work and certain truck brands surviving the apocalypse when others didn’t.

My personal favorite included a very determined canine who would stop at nothing to slim down so he could chase the new red Beetle.

It is certain there will be many conversations over the water cooler today, not only about the big game, but about the ads that made it all possible.  Click the comment link below to tell us about your favorites!

Kerry Brooks