Monday, July 23, 2012

Focus on What's Important

Close tragedies often make us introspective and more focused on what is most important in life.  Unfortunately life soon takes over again and we often return to our fast-paced ways without much thought for the precious and irreplaceable people and moments in our lives.  We must try harder to see, feel, and experience the truly beautiful things around us.  Let’s try to focus on what is truly important.  Here’s a start:
Hug your child, spouse, friend, or neighbor,
Help someone, ANYONE, with something.  Hold a door, carry a package, mow your neighbor’s lawn. Practice random acts of kindness.  It doesn’t take much to make someone’s day. 
Look around and appreciate something on your street you haven’t really noticed before.
Watch the sunrise/sunset.
Let someone pull in front of you while you’re driving.
Realize that it’s not about the money and things.
Look a stranger in the eye, smile, and say hello.
Call an old friend out of the blue.
What’s REALLY important to you?

Kim Luedke is Co-owner of
ProfessionalEdge Associates, offering a wide range of marketing and support services to businesses that want to increase their success, but aren't in a position to add to their staff.