Wednesday, January 4, 2012

What are Your 2012 Professional Resolutions?

It’s hard to believe it is 2012!  It’s also that time of year when we make new personal resolutions to do all the right things like eat healthier, stop smoking, exercise more, and so on.  But the beginning of a new year is also the perfect time for each of us to think of what we want to accomplish professionally over the next 12 months, both individually and for our organizations.

In your professional life, think about who you want to be at the end of this year.  Is there something new you want to learn?  A new professional organization you want to join?  Can you think of new ways to expand your professional network? 

It’s also a great time to think about what you want for your organization this year.  Dust off that business plan and take a new look at the goals and objectives.  Are they still in line with your organization’s vision?  Do they need updating? 

Someone recently asked me what I think of marketing today.  Without hesitation I said that I think it’s completely different than it was just a couple of years ago.  Particularly for small businesses, if you aren’t already, you will have to connect and stay connected with your customers and potential customers through new technologies and social media.  No longer can you develop a brochure and mail it out or place a print ad and expect them to work for you like they may have in the not too recent past.  Things are changing so quickly and businesses have to be changing constantly to keep up and stay in the game.  So our job is to keep finding new ways we can help our customers reach their customers better.

Stop and think about what you can be doing better or smarter in your organization to help your customers and in turn help your business.  Take some time this week to think about what professional resolutions you have, both personally and for your organization.  Click on the comment section below and share them with us – we can all benefit from each others’ thoughts and ideas!